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[Deprecated] Getting Started with ReactJS: Straightforward

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Photo of Adil Haddaoui
Adil Haddaoui

What is ReactJS ?

ReactJS is an open source JavaScript library, The core objective of ReactJS is providing the best possible rendering performance, ReactJS allows a developer to break down the complex UI into simpler components.

Gear you need for your ReactJS development journey

  • NodeJS

  • NPM

  • React Developer Tools: Browser Extension

  • IDE of your choice

ReactJS Components

  • Dumb Components

Dumb components are also called ‘presentational’ components because their only responsibility is to present something to the DOM.

  • Describe how things look

  • Have no app dependencies

  • Receive only props, providing data and callbacks

  • Rarely have own state, when they do, it’s just UI state

  • Named anything that’s a UI noun Eg.

1import React from 'react';
3const Button = (props) => {
4 return (
5 <button style={{ backgroundColor: props.color }} onClick={props.onClick}>
6 {props.text}
7 </button>
8 )
10export default Button;
  • Smart Components

Smart components (or container components) on the other hand have a different responsibility. they are the ones that keep track of state and care about how the app works. The smart components do the heavy lifting and pass the data down to the presentational components as props.

  • Describe how things work

  • Provide no DOM markup or styles

  • Provide application data, do data fetching

  • Call Flux actions Eg.

1import React from 'react';
2import Button from 'Button';
4class Profile extends React.Component{
6 state = {
7 user: {
8 name: '',
9 age: 0
10 }
11 }
13 componentDidMount(){
14 // Api Call and update user state with the api response
15 }
17 handleButtonClick = () => {
18 console.log('button clicked');
19 }
21 render(){
22 return(
23 <Button color="green" text="Click Here" onClick={this.handleButtonClick.bind(this)}/>
24 )
25 }
28export default Profile;

Components LifeCycle

When developing in React, every Component follows a cycle from when it’s created and mounted on the DOM to when it is unmounted and destroyed, And below is the LifeCycle of each Component: inItialisation/Mounting a component :

  • componentWillMount(): before the component mounting occurs

  • componentDidMount(): This method invokes as soon as component mounting occurs.

  • componentWillUnmount(): This method is called right before unmounting/destroyance of a component State/Property Updating: Any time a change is made to the state or props of a component these methods are being called:

  • shouldComponentUpdate(): This method is used when letting a component know whether or not it should be updated based on changes in state or props.

  • componentWillUpdate(): This method is invoked before rendering occurs when there are changes to the state or props.

  • componentDidUpdate(): This method is invoked as soon as an update happens and is not called for the first render.

State Vs Props


Props (short for “properties”) is a plain JavaScript object. It gets passed to the component (similar to function parameters), And it gets passed to the component from its parent and its immutable(A Component cannot change its props).


It is a plain JavaScript object also, but the state is managed within the component (similar to variables declared within a function). The state is private ( Only its component can access is and interact with it). this.setState({ stateName: newValue }) is used to update a state

If we want to share a state value with a child component we can provide it via props (but it remains unchanging by that child component)

Sharing data between components

Parent to Child — Use Prop:

If I have access to data in my parent component that I need my child component to have access to, I can pass it as a prop to the child when I instantiate it within the parent.

Child to Parent — Use a callback and states:

If I have data in my child that my parent needs access to, I can do the following:

  • Define a callback in my parent which takes the data I need in as a parameter.

  • Pass that callback as a prop to the child ( parent to child way above ).

  • Call the callback using this.props.[callback name] in the child and pass in the data as the argument.

Between Siblings — Combine the above:

To pass data between siblings, you have to use the parent as an intermediary. First pass the data from the child to the parent, as an argument into a callback from the parent. Set this incoming parameter as a state on the parent component, then pass it as a prop to the other child (see above example). The sibling can then use the data as a prop.

Using Flux architecture

We create a Store that will have the global State we want to use in our app, Then in each of our components if we want to access this state we can go to the store and get whatever data we want, And if a component need to update that State it will trigger and Action that will pass data to the Dispatcher which will update the State directly in the store.

What is Flux ?

It’s an architecture that complements React and the concept of Unidirectional Data Flow.

Flux is better explained by explaining its individual components:

  • Actions: Helper methods that facilitate passing data to the Dispatcher.

  • Dispatcher: Receives actions and broadcasts payloads to registered callbacks.

  • Stores: Containers for application state & logic that have callbacks registered to the dispatcher.

  • Controller Views: React Components that grab the state from Stores and pass it down via props to child components.

More to read

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Photo of Adil Haddaoui
Adil Haddaoui

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Photo of Adil Haddaoui
Adil Haddaoui